An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist is a medical professional who is specialized
in treating illnesses related to the ears, nose, nasal passage, sinuses, larynx, oral
cavity, upper pharynx, and structures of the neck and face. They are well-versed in
managing medical and surgical treatments for various conditions, including:
? Ear: ENT specialists can diagnose and treat deafness, hearing impairment, ear
infections, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and ear pain. They are also experts in
performing Cochlear Implant (CI) Surgeries that use special technologies to
mimic natural hearing for patients who are hard of hearing or profoundly deaf.
? Nose: ENT specialists can manage and treat issues affecting the nose,
sinuses, and nasal cavity that can lead to breathing difficulties, loss of smell,
and changes in physical appearance.
? Throat: Disorders affecting the throat can cause problems with speech,
eating, digestion, swallowing, and singing. ENT specialists can identify,
manage, and treat such problems.
? Head and Neck: ENT specialists are trained to manage tumors, diseases,
trauma, and defects in the head, neck, and face. They can perform cosmetic
and reconstructive surgeries in these areas and manage issues with the
nerves that control smell, sight, hearing, and facial movements in the head
and neck